Soleidae: M II A1 (Type B)



Egg diameter in µm

Number of oil globules

Diameter of oil globule in µm

Yolk texture

Perivitelline space

Position of oil globule at hatch

Gut length   at eye- pigment stage








49% of NL



Egg: The early egg of this species has the oil globules in clusters around the surface of the yolk (A), but as the egg develops, they become obscured by the dense stellate yellow spots covering the yolk and embryo (B). Black pigment on the yolk is evenly distributed and stellate. Incubation is about 50 hours.

Larva: The pale yellow pigment pattern in the finfolds, separates the NH larva from MIIA1 TypeA. By 19 days, the eyes have migrated (F), and the juvenile has settled. C: NH, D: 1 day, E: 4 days, F: 19 days, G: 42 days (24°C).

The egg resembles Brownell’s (1978) Synapturichthys kleini, but the low dorsal finray count precludes this species. Further rearing is needed to ensure that the reared juvenile is as in Plate F & G, which, from its reduced fincount, might be Dagetichthys marginatus (MIIA1 TypeA). The specimen shown in Plate E of MIIA1 Type A might belong to Type B. Five larvae of Type B has been sequenced, but no match has been found with currently available adult sequences (BOLD). They are associated with other Soleidae in my barcode tree.

Eggs confirmed by hatching, of this species, suggest a winter to spring spawning season (blue graph). One confirmed hatching was seen in the DHM samples (January). Only 18 confirmed eggs were seen in the linked samples; all but 2 were in offshore samples, indicating that this is a deeper water species than Type A.